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NCPTA | The Voice of Public Transit in North Carolina

About Us

Our Strategic Focus

Education & Training

Our Mission

To lead and support our members and communities through advocacy, education and collaboration to enhance public transportation for all. 

Who We Are

The North Carolina Public Transportation Association (NCPTA) is a nationally recognized, award-winning private, non-profit organization.

NCPTA represents 95 public transportation providers. This diverse group of System members comprises systems ranging from large market (urban transit systems) operating light rail vehicles and large buses to smaller market (rural transit systems) operating just a few vans.

What Drives Us

We believe every public transportation service is a critical part of each community overall and is vital to maintaining a person's economic mobility, freedom of travel, and quality of life.

Our Partners

NCPTA is proud to have 61 strong Business Partners representing educational institutions, governmental agencies, transit industry products, professional service providers, and vehicle manufacturers. 

These Partners provide the financial and advocacy support necessary for our transit members to continuously improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the public transportation systems in North Carolina.
NCPTA is governed by a dynamic and diverse 23-member Board of Directors that is elected by the membership. The Board of Directors meets quarterly.

The President, Vice President - Rural, Vice President - Urban, Secretary, and Treasurer are the Association Officers and form the Executive Committee, which is responsible for the Association’s administrative and financial affairs. These and other matters are also managed by the Executive Director.

Executive Committee

Board of Directors

John Andoh
Reggie Arrington
Randy Cantor   
Misty Chase
Pitt Co. Transportation
Vickie Clifton
Neal Davis 
Kristal Ford 
Lincoln Co.
Rodney Harrison Salisbury Transit 
Masie Jones
Richard Jones 
Davidson Co.
Kristen Joyner
KJ Backpack
Jason Lawrence 
Ken McDowell

Jeff Neese 
CTS Software 
Patti Foster Nelson 
Greenway Transit 
Ro Oates 
Sampson Area Transit
Nick Pittman
Chapel Hill Transit 
Theresa Torres
Union Co. Transportation
Chris Yarber 
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